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IMPORTANT: All information contained on this website is for educational purposes only. None of this information should be construed as medical or treatment advice for any specific person or condition. Cannabis has not been analyzed or approved by the FDA, and there is limited information on the side effects of using cannabis as a medication. You should always consult a licensed physician in all matters related to your health.
Do you find yourself up half the night while the rest of the world sleeps? Not a great feeling. Most adults need at least seven hours of quality rest each night to reset, but with work, families and busy schedules, it can be tough to achieve.
Small lifestyle changes can go a long way in helping you wake up feeling more refreshed and ready to face the coming day. Learn more about natural sleep remedies and consider which could be best for you to get better, more restful sleep.
When fighting sleep deprivation, medical marijuana is a no-brainer. Marijuana helps people who cannot get sleep due to pain, insomnia, PTSD and more. The key is making sure that you use the right method. Because inhalation is the fastest way to get cannabis into your bloodstream, vaporizing is a great way to get you ready for bed. The only problem is that inhalation only lasts between 20 minutes and 2 hours, which isn’t quite long enough to ensure a full night’s sleep.
For more extended, stronger therapeutic benefits, you can use a pure reserve oil or cannabis tincture for sleep. Sublingual methods like tinctures and pure oils give you 2- 8 hours of relief with ease. In the process, the body gets enough time to complete a full sleep cycle.
Aromatherapy has been around decades. The reason why aromatherapy scents are very popular is that they induce a restful state that relaxes the body. This is the idea behind using essential oils for sleep.There are many essential oils and essential oil blends that help support better sleep. A 2013 study found lavender effective in promoting quality sleep among people with sleep issues. Other aromatic plants like rosemary and geranium, both of which include terpenes that help the body fight insomnia and relax. You can use one or blend them in a diffuser for a calm and blissful night.
CBD is still highly unregulated, even though hemp CBD is now legal in the United States. If you’re interested in CBD products, make sure to do your research. It might be tempting to choose CBD off of the grocery store shelf, but it’s best to learn about how CBD and other cannabinoids work with your body first. Learn more about CBD and ask your doctor if they think it’d be the right choice for you.
Taking less time to sleep takes a toll on your mood, energy levels, and attention. Utilize the tips mentioned here to come up with a simple sleep program and improve sleep with essential oils, medical cannabis or other natural solutions for wellness.