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Why Your Parents Should Use Medical Marijuana

Let’s talk to your folks about how medical marijuana might help them (and by proxy you) live a happier, healthier life.

August 5, 2024

We’ve all got that person in our life who could use a little help chilling out. And for many of us, that’s good ol’ Mom and Dad. Just a few years ago, it was unthinkable, but now it’s totally normally to talk to your parents about using cannabis! It just might take a little work to break the stigma and decades of anti-cannabis propaganda. So, let’s talk to your folks about how medical marijuana might help them (and by proxy you) live a happier, healthier life.

Reefer Madness was Madness

A lot of folks in their 50’s or older grew up in a time packed with anti-cannabis propaganda. As marijuana use grew in the 1960’s, there was a lack of cannabis education and research, which left the door open for fear mongering through disinformation. Even in the 2000’s, the idea of lighting up a joint was associated with bad behavior by lazy or sketchy people. But none of that was true! Not then, and certainly not now.

As the research pours in, we’re seeing that cannabis may actually be effective in helping people lead more peaceful and productive lives – quite the opposite of the stigma that haunted cannabis users for so long. And while there’s no scientific data explicitly saying that getting your parents on cannabis will help you build a stronger and happier relationship with them... it feels like it couldn’t hurt, right?!

Modern Solutions to Modern Problems

When your parents think of marijuana, they might still imagine sneaking behind the bleachers to smoke a joint. But you can tell them those days are long gone. There are so many options now that are safer, more effective, and more discreet!

The Best Dirty Lemonade


Chocolates, gummies, beverages and more tasty cannabis treats can provide all the medicinal benefits of THC and CBD without putting any smoke in your lungs

Wishing Well


A few drops of a tincture under the tongue is an easy way for mom and dad to get their cannabis with very little effort! Dosing is easy and convenient.

The Fix


For joint and muscle pain, topicals go directly on the skin and affect the body in specific areas. So if the folks are worried about “getting stoned” this is a great way to help them out without any of the psychoactive effects.

You or your parents might come across CBD products in stores or online, but these are grossly unregulated and could contain all kinds of harmful additives. The best choice is using a licensed dispensary where you can be sure you’re getting safe, quality product.

Older and Wiser Choices

Getting older means having to make smarter choices about our health. Mom and Dad can be stubborn, but we want them to live long, healthy lives! Doctors may start loading them up with pills – 89% of seniors take at least one prescription medication – but these can have negative side effects. Plus, medications add up in cost, and many of them have negative interactions with each other! How do doctors usually solve that? More pills, of course.

Well you can tell your parents that the science suggests that cannabis use might be one of the smartest choices they can make for their brains and bodies. Here are just a few benefits that our parents might find with a cannabis prescription-

  • Pain relief: An achy dad is a cranky dad. Studies have linked medical marijuana to relief of conditions like arthritis, neuropathy, and back pain. Put that pep back in his step!
  • Anxiety and Depression: Our elders grew up with a stigma against mental wellness, and many of them don’t know they’ve suffered with anxiety and depression their whole lives! Research suggest that cannabis can provide a huge benefit to our parents’ mental health, which could definitely help yours!
  • Cognitive Function: Mom forget where she put her keys again? Whether standard age-related memory loss, or more serious conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, research suggest that cannabis use can help slow cognitive decline in as people age.
  • Appetite Stimulation: You grew up having your parents tell you to finish your plate, but how the tables have turned! Appetites decrease as we age, sometimes to the point of risking malnutrition. Cannabis isn’t only about munchies! It could help people feel more inclined to eat full, nutritious meals.
  • Sleep Aid: Our parents were chronically over-prescribed sleep medications. People naturally sleep fewer hours as they age, but insomnia can reduce their physical and mental health. Kick the cocktail of drugs to the curb and have them give medical cannabis a try! It may be very beneficial in improving length and quality of sleep without all the pharmaceutical drawbacks.

Bringing It Up, Getting it Done

Nobody knows your parents like you, so you know the best time and place to approach them about this. But there’s nothing like cold, hard facts to support your case. The research supporting the many medical benefits of cannabis right now is abundant, and as more states legalize, the evidence grows every year. Plus let them know this isn’t some radical new choice they’re making. A federal survey from 2022 said that twice as many people 65 and older are using cannabis compared to 2015.

Tell them you love them and you want them to be living their best lives! There are many years of stigma and fear embedded in our elders’ minds though, so be patient, direct, and sympathetic to their reactions. But keep your eye on the prize and focus on your future happier, healthier parents!

If they’re open to giving medical cannabis a try, they’ll need to speak to a qualified physician about using cannabis safely and effectively. A doctor can further help decide if cannabis is right for them, and make sure that it won’t interact with any necessary medications they’re currently taking. They’ll need their physician’s approval to obtain their medical marijuana card. Fortunately, the process is fairly straightforward.

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