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IMPORTANT: All information contained on this website is for educational purposes only. None of this information should be construed as medical or treatment advice for any specific person or condition. Cannabis has not been analyzed or approved by the FDA, and there is limited information on the side effects of using cannabis as a medication. You should always consult a licensed physician in all matters related to your health.
Notice: Debit terminals are down. We are accepting cash (exact cash for Delivery), CanPay or Dutchie Pay. ATM available in-store.
Finding wellness is about taking the time and energy to check in on yourself and your well-being. Some people do this through their hobbies, using running as a release or writing in a journal to express their true feelings. Whatever you choose to do, it should leave you feeling happy, healthy and balanced. Here are five ways you can improve feelings of wellness and jumpstart new habits that will have you feeling good for years to come.